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Thesis Transcription Services

A thesis is arguably the most important part of an essay. This is so because a thesis is the compass for the essay. It is what gives the reader an idea of the direction in which the essay is heading. A large number of times it is what determines whether or not the reader will actually read the essay.

Having said the above, it is very important that every writer gets his or her thesis right. One way of ensuring this is by the use of Thesis Transcription services. Transcription refers to the conversion of video or audio formats into text format. With thesis writing, these services could be very helpful as one could go round collecting various ideas for the thesis and record them. The ideas could then be converted into text for further analysis to help the writer choose the best and most captivating.

Pilottech is a transcription company that understands the value of a good thesis in writing and are thus at your service to provide you with the best thesis transcription services. You can be sure that with us you will get the best of services and the transcription of your thesis will not result in its losing its original message.

There are quite a number of reasons as to why you should opt for Pilottech and they include:-


  • Our highly qualified and well trained staff members.
  • Our use of the most up to date forms of technology.
  • Our high regards for quality work.
  • The high esteem with which we hold our customers.
  • The expertise and experience we have managed to amass in the many years we have been in business.


To show you that we are genuine and sincere, Pilottech is willing to give you a free trial of Thesis Transcription Services to provide you with the assurance that you need prior to your enlisting our services.